Do negative mindsets whisper in the back of your mind? Fail, fail, they say! They tell us we lack ability, or courage, or self-worth, just at the critical moment when we need to display competence?

When the pressure is on, all our past negative experiences can rise to the surface of our consciousness, giving us plenty of evidence and reason to suggest, “You can NOT do this!”


How to Stop Negative Mindsets!

Do negative mindsets whisper in the back of your mind? Fail, fail, they say! They tell us we lack ability, or courage, or self-worth, just at the critical moment when we need to display competence?

When the pressure is on, all our past negative experiences can rise to the surface of our consciousness, giving us plenty of evidence and reason to suggest, “You can NOT do this!”

Negative mindsets and self-limiting beliefs prevent us from unleashing our amazing potential, period. How do we stop them?

Imagine an Undo Button in your brain! Press Undo and get rid of that negative head trash. How great would that be?

In some ways, there is. Your mind is not set!

Your brain cells are connecting with one another at about 1,000,000 connections every second. Some of those connections generate new brain cell networks that form our beliefs—positive or negative! Our brains are in a state of constant flux and change. They are plastic.

This is the trick: design and create new networks to our massive advantage, then strengthen them with focus and practice.

I used to believe that my self-limiting beliefs were as much a part of me as my eye colour or the shape of my nose. Stuck with who I was, they mired me in mediocrity. How wrong I was! Once I learned my brain was plastic, it was alive with possibilities—I could reach for my dreams!

It is the intentional creation of a positive future that allows us to escape from the baggage of our past. For me, the realization that I could leave the past behind was exciting, inspiring, motivating, and, yes, liberating.

I realized that through my actions (or inactions), I could also create positive (or negative) brain cell networks in the brains of other people—in the minds of my team, investors, suppliers, clients, and even my family and friends. Their brains are plastic, too!

Now that was a mind-blowing realization. It was a light-bulb moment!

So, what happens to the unwanted and disabling negative brain cell networks of our past?

Yes, what is the equivalent of the Undo button in our brain, and why does it work?

While billions of brain cells are connecting with other brain cells, about one million disconnections per second are happening too. The disconnection process is critical. Unwanted networks become less connected, less enduring, weaker, a thing of the past. They become just a benign memory, no longer controlling us. It is The First Key to Wiring Your Brain for Success!

The past is important. The lessons learned from it are essential to our future success and even to our survival. We do not want to repeat our mistakes. Reflect on the past, but do not dwell on it. You cannot change your genetics or your past. It is over and gone. All previous environments and experiences are now history.

The trick is to learn from the past, but let it “be.” Design your future by creating positive mindsets, and it turn, designing the business life of your dreams. Focus on it, so you can live a life you love!

(Adapted Get Wired for Success!)

Get Wired for Success—The on-line course to Easily and Inexpensively Create Your Dream Business Life in Less than 5 Weeks Guaranteed!

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