Now in Part 3, I well describe the “Software” to Program Your Mind for Courage.

This is based around The Eighth Key to Wire Your Brain for Success: that mental rehearsal, meditation, and mindfulness cause the same wiring in your brain as real-life experiences.


How to Conquer Your Fears—Part 3. The "Software" to Program Your Mind for Courage!

In Part 1, I wrote that many of our fears are hard-wired, learned during childhood or adolescence, and can have very adverse effects on our health and well-being.

And in Part 2, I suggested creating a courageous avatar of yourself. This creates a new brain cell network in your mind. I called it “The Courage Network”. Continued focus on the avatar strengths this network.

Now in Part 3, I well describe the “Software” to Program Your Mind for Courage. This is based around The Eighth Key to Wire Your Brain for Success: that mental rehearsal, meditation, and mindfulness cause the same wiring in your brain as real-life experiences. (For all 12 Keys check out Get Wired for Success!)

When you take time to think about this statement deeply, it has profound implications and applications.

You can wire your brain for courage using mental rehearsal!

New brain cell connections required for courage occur even when you just repeatedly think about the desired beliefs, behaviors, actions, or emotions centered around courage.

Have you ever watched aerial skiers rehearse their extraordinary moves just prior to a ski jump? They cannot make all the moves before the jump because their feet are still anchored to the snow, but they are rehearsing the jump in their mind. Then, they commit—their lives depend on it! They hardwire their brains to make those courageous moves at the right time, and at the right speed, with mental rehearsal.

You can do the same in your business world.

You can also wire your brain for courage when you meditate.

I had used meditation to control bouts of disabling anxiety, so I knew it could be used to treat negative thought patterns and emotions. But to create positive new brain cell networks or turn strengths into superpowers? Wow!

So, I designed and practiced meditations to wire my brain for courage. I call this “applied meditation.” Although we can search for inner peace with mediation, we can also use meditation to transform other emotions.

And you can wire your brain for courage when you are mindful!

Mindfulness is the art of being in the present moment rather than worrying about the past or future.

It is the skill of focus and precision rather than our attention being scattered in futile multitasking and distraction. It is the joy of taking one step after another in a perfectly designed journey rather than going around in head-spinning, tight, little circles, getting nowhere.

With the focus of mindfulness, thought patterns and emotions repeat in our minds rather than scatter, in turn creating stronger, more numerous, and enduring brain cell connections aligned with the outcomes you desire—in this case, courage!

For me, the knowledge that you could wire and rewire your brain simply by mental rehearsal, meditation, or mindfulness was the single most transformational realization in my journey from undirected chaos to thoughtfully planned design, from anxiety to peace, from fear to courage, and from low self-esteem to confidence.

Mental rehearsal, meditation, or mindfulness are like “software” to program your mind for new emotions, beliefs and behaviors.

A student once asked me which is best—mental rehearsal, meditation, or mindfulness?

All three have their roles. To use the analogy of stage or movie acting, meditation is similar to an actor learning their lines in the peace and quiet of their home; mental rehearsal can be likened to a full-dress rehearsal on stage; and mindfulness can be compared to an actor performing live, his or her mind full of the role to play, with all its nuances.

You will find by testing all three, one will be ideally suited to your desired outcome.

Mental rehearsal, meditation, or mindfulness are all disciplines of repetitive thought, and repetitive thought makes brain cell networks stronger and more enduring.

Here is a summary of this process:

  • Identify or name the negative emotion or thought pattern you wish to conquer.
  • Flip it into its positive and empowering version.
  • Create an "avatar" of yourself that embodies this positive version. This creates a new brain cell network.
  • Strengthen this network with focus, mental rehearsal, meditation, mindfulness, and practice.

Remember too, practice makes perfect!

You do not undo hard-wired negative thought patterns in one go. Practice continues wiring your brain for courage. Indeed, Get Wired for Courage!

All these strategies are based on proven neuroscience and positive psychology. They work!

Check out my on-line course Get Wired for Success—How to Wire Your Brain for Success in Business and Life with Neuroscience-made-easy.

It's easy, inexpensive, takes less than 5 weeks, and it's fully guaranteed*!

Right now, you can grab a 50% discount by clicking the link above!


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* see website for details.

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