In past business meetings, self-doubt, insecurities, anxieties, and fears racked my brain, wrecking my chances of genuine progress. The old bogey of low self-esteem was my root cause, hiding in my subconscious like a troll under a bridge, ready to send my pulse racing and my guts churning when killer confidence would have counted.

Do you wish for greater courage and certainty? We all know in a business setting, and in our personal lives too, confidence is the elixir of success, and low self-esteem is kryptonite!

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How to Rewire Your Brain for Greater Confidence!

In past business meetings, self-doubt, insecurities, anxieties, and fears racked my brain, wrecking my chances of genuine progress. The old bogey of low self-esteem was my root cause, hiding in my subconscious like a troll under a bridge, ready to send my pulse racing and my guts churning when killer confidence would have counted.

Do you wish for greater courage and certainty? We all know in a business setting, and in our personal lives too, confidence is the elixir of success, and low self-esteem is kryptonite!

For me, all that has changed. I rewired my brain for confidence.

Now, in my business dealings, “new wiring” in my brain has made all the difference. I can eliminate those musty old negative thought patterns and emotions, replacing them with fresh positive versions. How did I achieve this turnaround?

I simply embedded an avatar of a “confident new me” inside my mind.

Let us go through the steps I used:

1. Create an avatar.

In your “mind’s eye” create an avatar of yourself, an amazing version, one who oozes confidence.

To do this, find a quiet place, and seeing yourself with fresh eyes, use your creative powers of imagination to visualize the confident you; one who exudes brand new self-belief and amazing self-esteem. Walk tall! Imagine how you would talk and feel!

This is still the authentic you, for it is one that you have imagined as ideal. It is one that is waiting to burst out from everything negative that has held you back in the past.

Why it works? Your brain loves a model for its actions. Your avatar will be a model for your future beliefs, behaviours, attitudes, the actions you take, and yes, the results you get! Pretty cool, huh? It is The Sixth Key to wiring your brain for success in action. You can learn about all Twelve Keys in my on-line course Get Wired for Success!

2. Meditate on your avatar.

Relax your muscles, close your eyes, and breathe slowly and deeply. Your new, confident avatar is the subject of your meditation. In your mind’s eye, repeatedly imagine being this super confident avatar. It is a great feeling! I call this “applied meditation”.

Why it works? Meditation tricks the brain into thinking this experience is real, increasing and strengthening the number of positive brain cell connections associated with your novel way of thinking.

3. Practice being your avatar.

It may feel a little strange at first. Olympic athletes do not become great overnight; they practice for years, so just have a go at being your amazing avatar.

Why it works? Like meditation, repetition increases the number, strength and durability of brain cell connections associated with your new and positive thought patterns. Slowly you take on the new beliefs and behavior patterns you dream of, desire, and so richly deserve. (This is The Eighth Key in action!)

Slowly, but surely, you gain the personality of your avatar. You become a new you, confident and authentic! Then continue to be super confident!

If you are a businessperson, when you are talking to clients, leading your team, negotiating with suppliers, writing a marketing piece, and especially selling your goods or services—you will have the X-factor of confidence!

You can learn to unleash the extraordinary ability of your brain.

One word of warning:

Confidence is an important aspect of business success, but it is only one aspect. If your business model is flawed, or other important aspects of your emotional intelligence are poor, or you are lacking knowledge about your products or services, no amount of confidence will hide the truth. We all know seemingly overconfident people who are full of hollow promises!

There is another way to gain a massive amount of confidence: create an inspiring, vibrant, exciting, funny, compassionate, engaging, intensely interesting, progressive, highly profitable business! It is such a buzz, and it generates amazing positive emotions for you and others!

My course Get Wired for Success helps you do just that! You can learn to wire your brain for newfound freedom, wealth, and happiness!

Discover How to Easily and Inexpensively Create Your Dream Business Life in Less than 5 Weeks Guaranteed!

Go and make a difference to the world!

To Your Success!

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