Here is a common problem for business owners and entrepreneurs: often negative emotions or thoughts can tumble one after another until they catch you in a downward spiral of negativity and poor results. Your worries, anxieties, or fears build to threaten your day and even your well-being. This affects your team, your clients or customers, your image, and yes, your bottom line—profits!

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How to Boost Your Self-Awareness, and Business Profits at the Same Time!

Here is a common problem for business owners and entrepreneurs: often negative emotions or thoughts can tumble one after another until they catch you in a downward spiral of negativity and poor results. Your worries, anxieties, or fears build to threaten your day and even your well-being. This affects your team, your clients or customers, your image, and yes, your bottom line—profits!

Self-awareness—being tuned into your own emotions and thoughts, including those negative ones—is the number one first step in stopping that negative spiral. It is a key skill for business success.

Did you know you can wire your brain to take your self-awareness to far higher levels? Here is one simple way to do this: learn to meditate with self-awareness as the subject of your meditation.

For example, design a meditation in which you require enhanced self-awareness in an important meeting or interview. In your mind’s eye, visualize yourself being hyper-alert. What your gut is telling you? What is your breathing rate and depth? How heightened are your senses?

Why it works? The Eighth Key to Wiring Your Brain for Success tells us that meditation causes the same wiring in your brain as real-life experiences. When we meditate on being more self-aware, we trick our mind into laying down new brain cell networks that support the skill of enhanced self-awareness. Is that not very cool?

It is like installing a new software program in your brain for the superpower of self-awareness!

In a real meeting or interview, use those newfound levels of awareness to catch yourself at the starting point of negative thoughts or emotions, then transform them into their exact opposite version. For example, if you catch yourself feeling very pessimistic, flip the thought or emotion to one of high optimism, and focus on those positive vibes.

Imagine the positive effect you can have on your team and your clients when you ooze enthusiasm, passion and purpose! Think of the effect this skill has on your marketing, your sales, your bottom line, not to mention your well-being!

That is why self-awareness boosts your business success. It can stop the negative spiral cold!

If you want to learn more about self-awareness or meditation, check out my on-line course Get Wired for Success!

Go on, create the business life of your dreams!

To Your Success!

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