It is the rare person who has a supreme belief in their abilities and downplays their weaknesses. Often, they are only fooling themselves! For the rest of us, we are all too conscious of our weaknesses. We downplay our strengths to our detriment. However, your strengths are an integral part of your unique and amazing personality. Imagine turning your strengths into Superpowers… In three easy steps, with the help of some applied neuroscience, you can achieve this feat! The first step is to identify your strengths. We are often aware of our strengths, even if concealed under a veil of modesty. It is an uplifting experience to take some time to identify them formally and commit them to paper.


Celebration of Success and Triumph over adversity

3 Easy Steps to Turn Your Strengths into Superpowers!

It is the rare person who has a supreme belief in their abilities and downplays their weaknesses. Often, they are only fooling themselves!

For the rest of us, we are all too conscious of our weaknesses. We downplay our strengths to our detriment. However, your strengths are an integral part of your unique and amazing personality. Imagine turning your strengths into Superpowers…

In three easy steps, with the help of some applied neuroscience, you can achieve this feat!

  1. Identify your strengths.

We are often aware of our strengths, even if concealed under a veil of modesty. It is an uplifting experience to take some time to identify them formally and commit them to paper.

If you are struggling with your self-esteem, pluck up the courage and ask a loved one or friend. Enjoy the compliments!

Alternatively, you can take the VIA Survey of Character Strengths. It is a free self-assessment that takes less than 15 minutes and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your best qualities. VIA Reports provide a personalized, in-depth analysis of your results, including actionable tips to apply your strengths to find greater well-being.

I suggest you list at least six strengths, then for this exercise, narrow your choices down to two.

  1. Transform your strengths into superpowers!

Now write vastly better versions of your strengths. The discipline of writing it is important.

To illustrate, I will use two examples from my business life:

One of my strengths is the enjoyment I gain when working with my clients and customers. To convert this thought pattern to a superpower, I now focus on creating massive, amazing value for my team, clients, and suppliers—a vastly better version! Value creation is now a superpower.

Another strength is the feelings of excitement when I imagine the future direction of my business. What is the improved version? I share my vision with my team, how it will look, sound, and feel in coming years. I allow space for their ideas, making a more inclusive, inspiring, and improved working environment for all.

  1. Use mental rehearsal, meditation, or mindfulness to embed new and empowering thoughts and emotions so they become part of your psyche.

To use a computer analogy, imagine that mental rehearsal, meditation, and mindfulness are “software programs.” Each one is available to embed your superpowers; each is wiring and rewiring your brain with increasingly better brain cell networks; and each delivers those empowering thoughts and emotions.

Simply “run” one of these programs when desired.

Unlike their computer equivalents, this software has some unique features and benefits. They are free; they need no power; upload speed is instantaneous—just think of them, and use them any time, in any place, and in any weather. Improvements come with practice. The benefits they deliver are good for you. If you wish, no one needs to know you are using them—these programs run in your mind. Privacy assured!

The science is now in. Imaging studies of the brain have shown that repetitive thought causes wiring and rewiring, sometimes profoundly so. Mental rehearsal, meditation, and mindfulness are all disciplines of repetitive thought, and science has likewise proven that your brain wires itself with new and empowering brain cell networks when we rehearse, meditate, or practice mindfulness.

Once you have turned your two top strengths into superpowers, move on to the rest of your list!

In summary, transform your strengths into superpowers! Identify your strengths, write vastly better versions, and embed them in your mind with mental rehearsal, meditation, or mindfulness. Go for it, Superperson!

If you would like to discover how to wire your brain for success, take my on-line course: Get Wired for Success—How to Easily and Inexpensively Create Your Dream Business Life in Less than 5 Weeks Guaranteed!

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