Have you ever woken up with the most amazing mindset?

“Wow, today I feel terrific! I can conquer the world!” Then, one hour into your day, your incredible mindset is in tatters or forgotten. All the troubles of the world seem to land on your shoulders. You spill your coffee on your clean shirt as you leave for work. Two team members are fighting, your best client is raging on the phone, and last month’s figures are down.

Now, where was that positive mindset?

That feeling when everything goes wrong!

How to Keep a Positive Mindset, Even on Bad Days!

Have you ever woken up with the most amazing mindset?

“Wow, today I feel terrific! I can conquer the world!” Then, one hour into your day, your incredible mindset is in tatters or forgotten. All the troubles of the world seem to land on your shoulders. You spill your coffee on your clean shirt as you leave for work. Two team members are fighting, your best client is raging on the phone, and last month’s figures are down.

Now, where was that positive mindset?

Why do positive mindsets fade? What is the reason those empowering thoughts recede as reality sets in? Why is it so difficult to stay upbeat?

We find the answer in the way your brain is wired. Your brain has over 86 billion brain cells. Each cell connects with about 6,000 other brain cells. They communicate by firing off up to tiny spikes of electricity along those connections, up to 200 every second! Try to do the math. The complexity is well beyond your imagination.

Your brain cells message each other when you are working, playing and yes, even when sleeping. With time, connections between cells strengthen with use, or become weaker, even vanishing, culled by disuse.

“Whoa,” you say, “How is this relevant to positive mindsets fading?”

Your brain is changing every microsecond. It is not set. The word mindset is a misnomer. That winning mindset you had before you spilt your coffee changed dramatically just as your coffee cup slipped. Your brain cells fired off messages to one another: clean up the mess, change your shirt, now you will be late, how could you be so stupid? (Okay, you may not drink coffee, but you get the point.)

As negative experiences accumulate in your day, those positive vibes you felt fade or disappear completely.

Because of its extraordinary complexity, it is as easy to cause negative changes in your brain as it is to create positive ones. Your brain is wiring and rewiring itself continuously. It is a fact of life, a miracle called neuroplasticity. Meanwhile, you are on autopilot, unconscious of the process.

Can you see why it is then imperative to have clear, positive, and motivating direction, strategies, goals, and models to follow? Without them, our brains flip-flop between negative and positive change, making little or no progress.

This is the good news: you can elect to control this process. You can consciously wire in new brain cell connections, new beliefs, and new positive mindsets just as surely as you can install new capacity and speed in a desktop computer. This process is called self-directed neuroplasticity. Even better news, it is a skill. You can learn how to do it!

Once you know how to direct the connections in your brain purposely, you can sculpt or mold your brain to your massive advantage. You can unleash your amazing potential. That is when the fun begins!

If you would like to discover how to wire your brain for success, explore my on-line course Get Wired for Success - How to Easily and Inexpensively Create Your Dream Business Life in Less than 5 Weeks Guaranteed!

In just four inspiring weeks Get Wired for Success will turn your negative mindsets and feelings into powerful positive thinking and emotions, transform your abilities into super-strengths, and turbo-charge your results with new strategies and tactics.

Get Wired for Success is founded on neuroscience and positive psychology, and in particular a phenomenon called self-directed neuroplasticity. I make this science inspiring, entertaining, and easy-to-understand.

Get Wired for Success now. Life-changing, Lifelong, and Guaranteed!

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