If you think business success tightly links to your tech skills or even your IQ, think again. Daniel Goleman’s research for his book Working with Emotional Intelligence showed that Emotional Intelligence or EQ was twice as important as technical expertise or IQ for business success. EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities necessary for top performance in leaders. This is the X-Factor in Business!

Our Emotions are like an iceberg - below the surface!

How to Improve Your Business Success by 50%—Boost Your Emotional Intelligence!

With training and experience, most of us become experts in our field. You become a software designer, a dentist, or a plumber—insert your vocation here!

You use your IQ to learn and master your chosen profession.

However, we all know that your business success depends little on your grades at school and college. Even high IQs and graduation with honors have little to do with business success.

We know students who struggled to get through a course but became brilliant success stories after graduation; others were first-class students but hopeless once they started in the actual world—even failing.

If you think business success tightly links to your tech skills or even your IQ, think again. Daniel Goleman’s research for his book Working with Emotional Intelligence showed that Emotional Intelligence or EQ was twice as important as technical expertise or IQ for business success. EQ accounted for 67% of the abilities necessary for top performance in leaders. This is the X-Factor in Business!

Essentially, your EQ is the ability to recognize your own and other people’s emotions, identify different emotions correctly, and use this information to guide thinking and behavior in yourself and others.

It is significant to realize the importance of this information, as your EQ guides your thinking. Your thinking governs your beliefs, your beliefs control your behavior and actions, and your actions deliver your results—be they failure, mediocrity, or resounding success.

It is like an iceberg.

On the surface are your behaviors and actions, and the results you get. Under the surface are your beliefs. Deeper down, thinking controls your beliefs, and at the very deepest level emotions influence your thinking. Often you are not aware of those deeper layers controlling the actions on the surface.

We know IQ cannot measure the intellect of people gifted in music, art, or sport.

In Working with Emotional Intelligence, Goleman argues that one might have a high level of EQ, but unless used effectively in the workplace it remains ineffective, rather like a highly skilled sports person or gifted musician never using their talents to shine.

He defines the effective use of EQ in the workplace as an emotional competence or a learned capability based on EQ, resulting in outstanding performance at work.

The first time I read Goleman’s book was a “light-bulb moment.” It gave me the reasons I shone in some areas of business management but failed miserably in others. I gave outstanding client service but would run a mile from conflict. I had a grand vision, but fear of failure often paralyzed me.

EQ is important for you as a business owner or an entrepreneur, but also critical in handling the emotions of your team and your clients.

Now there are billions of positive and negative intra- and interpersonal interactions powering our businesses to success or allowing them to languish in mediocrity, or even plunging them into failure.

What stories can you tell about EQ (or lack of it) in your workplace?

EQ explains why top performers in your classes at school or college failed in the business world, and why some strugglers soared to success.

Most of them will have had little or no knowledge of the concept of EQ. They used their own individual abilities (or inabilities) to manage their own (and others’) emotions to navigate their way through the complexities of their business life. They became successful, mediocre, or fail.

As people manage and leading businesses, they often succeed or fail because of the level of EQ showed “at the top”—not because of their own (or their team’s) IQ, nor because of their products or services, nor even to changing market conditions!

How many small businesses remain stuck in mediocrity because their owners lack motivation? How many medium and large businesses fail because their executives are poor catalysts of change, failing to start or manage important changes in their industry? Motivation and change management are but two aspects of EQ.

We all have our own individual level of EQ—our “baseline EQ.” We all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Our emotions are with us the whole time; we depend on them for survival. We cannot help but be emotional beings.

So, what are your emotional strengths and weaknesses? And once you know your EQ, how do you boost it? Now is the time to find out...

You can improve your business success by a whopping 50% by wiring your brain for a higher EQ!

In Unit 4 of my Online Course, Get Wired for Success, you can score your own EQ, and in three simple steps, massively improve it.

Discover How to Easily and Inexpensively Create Your Dream Business Life in Less than 5 Weeks Guaranteed! In just four inspiring weeks Get Wired for Success will turn your negative mindsets and feelings into powerful positive thinking and emotions, transform your abilities into super-strengths, and turbo-charge your results with new strategies and tactics.

Get Wired for Success is founded on neuroscience and positive psychology, and in particular a phenomenon called self-directed neuroplasticity. I make this science inspiring, entertaining, and easy-to-understand.

Get Wired for Success Now—Life-changing, Lifelong, Guaranteed!


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