Business Life can be tough, even soul-destroying. I know, I've been there. For a sole owner, carrying 1.1 million dollars of debt was NO fun. It created a ton of anxiety. Sometimes it was hard to get out of bed and start the day. Know that feeling? What turned it around for me was to design a workplace that has a sense of fun and enjoyment. Thinking back, I used three key strategies:

Workplace Team having Fun

3 Essential Keys to Have More Fun in Your Business!

Business Life can be tough, even soul-destroying. I know, I've been there. For a sole owner, carrying 1.1 million dollars of debt was NO fun. It created a ton of anxiety. Sometimes it was hard to get out of bed and start the day. Know that feeling?

What turned it around for me was to design a workplace that has a sense of fun and enjoyment. Thinking back, I used three key strategies:

1.  Vision: 

When you imagine your business life in the future, is the image in your mind abundant with feelings of humor, friendliness and gratitude? Are you leading your business so work is a joy for all? Do you often hear laughter when you listen to your team or clients?

2. Mission:

Do your team and clients understand why your business exists? Does your mission stir feelings of passion and commitment? Does it bring a sense of goodwill and achievement when the day is done?

3. Values:

Do your key business values include Fun? (If enjoyment is not important, how do you expect it to flourish?) Is your team intelligent in the use of humor? Is the business culture monitored, so the environment is inclusive, safe and supportive, and humor can flourish?

Are your vision, mission and values displayed for all to see, understand and enact? Do you model them so others will follow your words and actions?

This is important stuff! People are more productive, and more likely to stay in your workplace when enjoying themselves.

This sounds great, but getting it right is hard work. It took me five years to create a workplace where fun and enjoyment infused my business, making it a great place  to work in, and to do business with.

That's when the fun starts!

Get Wired for Success - The Course explains precisely how I did it. The results you will experience are life-changing, lifelong and guaranteed! Check it out now!

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