As you read these words, your brain cell networks are making about 100,000 connections per second. That is the way we live, love, and learn. Here is the thing: your brain cell networks are also making disconnections at about the same rate. That is how we get rid of our mental junk. Without the disconnection process, we would be rapidly overwhelmed with information. Our brains would explode into a mess of grey and pink jelly!

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How to Overcome Negative Thinking and Unleash Your Amazing Potential!

As you read these words, your brain cell networks are making about 100,000 connections per second. That is the way we live, love, and learn. Here is the thing: your brain cell networks are also making disconnections at about the same rate. That is how we get rid of our mental junk. Without the disconnection process, we would be rapidly overwhelmed with information. Our brains would explode into a mess of grey and pink jelly!

Your mind is plastic. Here we are using the word plastic in its meaning “to mold”, rather than in its usual sense—the material we are all so familiar with. The scientific study of this phenomenon is the relatively little-known science of neuroplasticity.

This means that the concept of mindsets—both positive and negative ones­—is a false premise: that you can anchor your mind in a fixed state, that positive mindsets will serve you well. This premise limits the potential of the mind no less than if it were a piece of concrete. However, the mind is not set! It is continuously changing, extraordinarily adaptable. This is a liberating piece of information!

Advances in brain sciences tell us we can take control of this process of connection and disconnection to overcome negative thinking. The technical name for this ability is self-directed neuroplasticity.

This means that our negative thought patterns, our lack of self-confidence, our doubts, our tightly held self-limiting beliefs, and even our anxieties and fears that have driven us to where we are now are merely brain cell networks that are changeable.

It also means that our positive thought patterns—making us the amazing and unique individuals that we are—are flexible and expandable. You can convert your natural abilities into Superstrengths!

We also deal with a lot of new information flooding into our brains every day, luring and distracting us, the next shiny object seducing us, overwhelming us ! Once you know your brain is plastic, you can get rid of the junk and store the great stuff instead!

It means that all your preconceived ideas about your own abilities are false mindsets that limit just how great you can be.

You do not need a “winning mindset”! This is a gigantic relief, as it is impossible to maintain a winning mindset 24/7/365. Today’s world is a lot more complex than just needing a winning mindset.

You can rid yourself of your negative mindsets. Discover how to magnify your positive mindsets and achieve even greater heights. You can explore ways to create amazing new beliefs and attitudes by molding your plastic brain to your advantage, and unleashing its extraordinary power. Get Wired for Success is my on-line course that teaches you how to do just that! Discover How to Easily and Inexpensively Create Your Dream Business Life in Less than 5 Weeks Guaranteed!

And Live a Life You Love!

To Your Success!

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