Suddenly you are impressed and inspired by a certain something. A “Wow” escapes your lips before the thought has crossed your mind!

So common is this very human emotion of surprise, a "Wow" is one of the top emoticons on social media.

Leading designer, Milton Glaser, stated, “There are three responses to a piece of design—yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”

With a Wow

How to Set Business Goals: Add the "Wow" Factor for Success!

Suddenly you are impressed and inspired by a certain something. A “Wow” escapes your lips before the thought has crossed your mind!

So common is this very human emotion of surprise, a Wow is one of the top emoticons on social media.

Leading designer, Milton Glaser, stated, “There are three responses to a piece of design—yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”

A "Wow" can apply to many areas of business, not just design. Marketing pieces should be a Wow, culture too, and job ads as well.

One aspect of business that deserves "Wow" accolades are your goals. Often, we set “realistic” business goals, failing to stretch the boundaries of our imagination.

Why are Wow goals so effective?

The secret lies in The Fifth Key to Wire Your Brain for Success. It states: the greater your desire, the greater the possibility of creating positive wiring.

When you fire up for change, when your brain is desiring an amazing amount of pleasure, when motivation and engagement are high, the brain releases chemicals that speed up the process of positive rewiring. Change is easy!

Let us hijack our brain’s amazing ability to create positive wiring to our own advantage: Imagine some rewarding business goals—so rewarding that when you achieve or attain them, it will leave you saying, “Oh, Wow! I don’t believe I’ve done it!”

I call them “Wow goals”!

They are your final and most magnificent rewards, the ones you enjoy when you reach the end of the journey, when you have amazing business success, when you have created the business life of your dreams! You deserve your Wow goals because of all the wonderful work you have done!

They are the stuff of your dreams.

I hold my personal Wow goals (and I have a number) deep within me. I “pull them out” and imagine having reached them when the going gets tough. Out they come when my life has lacked purpose or passion, if success is eluding me, or should I feel trapped by my circumstances. If wealth seems a distant dream, or on occasions when happiness is a fleeting emotion in a dull and grey world, I think of my Wow goals and—my energy levels go zing!

“Wow!” It motivates you to take the next step forward, a quick return to positive thoughts and emotions, positive actions and positive results—like hitting your business targets!

They also have the benefit of stretching and expanding your vision. If you desire a Wow goal, deep down inside, it can turn your vision from good to great!

What are your Wow goals? Dream Big!

Discover all 12 Keys to Wire Your Brain for Success here.

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